Leah Sharibu: The Forgotten Kidnapped School Girl


Leah Sharibu: The forgotten kidnapped School Girl

Leah Sharibu

How on Earth does Nige­ria go on behaving as if nothing is wrong? How on Earth do those in gov­ernment go to bed at night and are able to fall asleep knowing that one Nigerian girl, Leah Sharibu, is still out there in the bush, a prisoner to the Boko Haram terrorists? How on Earth is President Muhammadu Buhari and the members of his ad­ministration able to convince them­selves that they are doing well in the fight against terrorism when Leah Sharibu has not been reunited with her family? How on Earth does the Journalist Deacon, Buhari’s Spokes­man Femi Adesina, for instance, tell Nigerians that the fight against ter­rorism is fully on when Leah Shari­bu is out there, somewhere out there, being kept against her personal will? Does nothing outrage us anymore?

Really, when last did anybody in government talk about her? Has she been totally forgotten? Or is she not a Nigerian anymore? Does Nigeria not owe her any responsibility? What re­ally is going on?

The facts of the case have started receding from peoples’ memories, including mine. So to remind me of the details, I had to google her name and these facts popped out, thanks to Wikipedia. “On February 19, 2018, at 5:30 pm, 110 schoolgirls aged 11–19 years old were kidnapped by the Boko Haram terrorist group from the Government Girls’ Science and Technical College (GGSTC). Dapchi is located in Bulabulin, Yunusari Lo­cal Government area of Yobe State, in the northeast part of Nigeria. The Federal Government of Nigeria de­ployed the Nigerian Air Force and other security agencies to search for the missing schoolgirls and to hopefully enable their return. The Governor of Yobe State, Ibrahim Gaidam, blamed Nigerian Army sol­diers for having removed a military checkpoint from the town. Dapchi lies approximately 275 km (170 miles) northwest of Chibok, where over 276 schoolgirls were kidnapped by Boko Haram in 2014.

Five schoolgirls died on the same day of their kidnapping, all others were released in March 2018 except the lone Christian girl Leah Sharibu as she refused to abandon her faith and convert to Islam.”

Should that be the end of the sto­ry? It shouldn’t if we take ourselves seriously as members of a Republic. Hey, who has avenged the death of those unlucky five, who died during that dastardly abduction? Have we ever captured any Boko Haram ter­rorists and charged him with the death of those five girls?

And what about Leah Sharibu?

After the authorities had safely brought home the others, and Nige­ria celebrated, not minding whether they were monetarily ransomed or not, one would have expected that Leah Sharibu would now have been sprung from the hands of her cap­tors who should have been treated as the criminals that they are. But no, nothing like that has happened. Such a feat would have reassured Nigerians that they are living in a real Republic, not a fake one.

Leah Sharibu was just 14 when she was kidnapped in 2018; three years ago. Three years during which she has not set eyes on her parents and siblings. Three years in which she must have been hoping that her country Nigeria would come to her rescue as she rescued the other stu­dents. And in those three years, she has been thoroughly, terribly and soundly let down. What would be her thoughts now about Nigeria? What really? And we have gone loving the members of our families, celebrat­ing birthdays, school graduations and the like.

According to the German Phi­losopher, Immanuel Kant, a nation under anarchy is not really a state because the law is only an “empty recommendation” if force is not in­cluded to make this law efficacious (“legitimation”, etymologically fanci­fully from legem timere, i.e. “fearing the law”) the rest is meaningless. For there to be such a state, force must be included while law and freedom are maintained, for a state to be a republic.

Kant identified four kinds of government: One, “Law and free­dom without force (anarchy)”, two, “Law and force without freedom (despotism),” three, “Force with­out freedom and law (barbarism)” and lastly, “Force with freedom and law (republic)”. Nigeria can­not be a Republic if a Leah Shari­bu has been kidnapped since 2018 and nothing is being said about her now.

Have I forgotten the Chibok Girls? Wikipedia tells me that “On the night of 14–15 April 2014, 276 most­ly Christian female students aged from 16 to 18 were kidnapped by the Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram from the Government Girls Second­ ary School at the town of Chibok in Borno State, Nigeria.

57 of the schoolgirls escaped im­mediately following the incident by jumping from the trucks on which they were being transported and others have been rescued by the Nigerian Armed Forces on various occasions. Hopes have been raised that the 219 remaining girls might be released, however, some girls are be­lieved to be dead. Amina Ali, one of the missing girls, was found in May 2016. She claimed that the remaining girls were still there, but that six had died. As of 14 April 2021, seven years after the initial kidnapping, over 100 of the girls remain missing.”

And Nigeria calls itself a Repub­lic?  Oh no!!!

Apart from recognising the sov­ereignty of the people as the source of all authority, a Republic in law and in truth and indeed stresses liberty and inalienable individual rights as its central values. So how hard is Nigeria right now fighting to protect the rights of Leah Sharibu or the Chibok Girls? How will the citi­zenry believe that a fight is on when citizens are being abducted daily and life has become the cheapest commodity across the land? 

“If we don’t start to practise fairness at the top, then we won’t get it at the lower table and unless there is fair leadership of the country we cannot grow the economy.”

“I think the Buhari-led administration has lost the idea on how to grow the economy. What they are best known for is the blame game. They are the corrupt ones yet they claim to be fighting corruption,” he said.

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